Saturday, March 19, 2011


(one year ago)

 This is really  hard to say, and I'm quite nauseous even typing this. This is a big deal.
After a year of being silent and not posting any pictures of my husband (no matter how cute he is). I think I'm going to be ok once this whole thing is over (although the real journey will never be over). I've been keeping a secret. For a whole year. You'll possibly start to see my husband on commercials soon. See, last year he was cast for a new weight loss tv show. It's been a really crazy year. We're not certain which slot he'll be in the line-up, but it will start airing on May 30th on ABC. Say a prayer for him, as we're still fighting every day.
PS, his name is Wally


  1. Hey, I saw you won that fabric bundle, congratulations!!

    Wow, that's amazing about the show...I hope it's turning out to be everything that he had hoped it would be

  2. Wow, Emily. What a complete life changing situation. I wish you, your husband, and your daughter the very best. I can imagine that you guys will hear some of everything--good, bad, cruel, indifferent--but I am SO happy for all of you! May your life be blessed 10 fold! Can't wait to see your husband on TV...I feel like I "know" the wife of a celebrity now :)

  3. You have had me wondering, for a while, what might be going on... something that you said in one of your other posts, I suppose :-) Anyway, it is very courageous of both your husband and you to do this...put yourselves out there/here like that! I will make sure to watch and also include you all in my prayers. Hopefully, the experience of the show has been a positive catalyst and continues to be. I can't wait to learn more!
