Monday, December 2, 2013

Hey Quilty!

Clearly I had to black-Friday shop at Joann's - Batting and Quilty were purchased!
Heading to Joann's? Pick up a copy of Quilty! I'm super excited to say that for the first time my name is in print! My "gift card pockets" made it into the November / December issue of Quilty! 

It's pretty cool seeing my project in there - professionally photographed and everything! You can see the video for this project on Quilty's youtube channel (shown below). 

I hope to have the opportunity to film / write for Quilty again soon!!


  1. Yay for the feature and what a cute and handy project!

  2. This is so much fun - congratulations!

  3. Congratulations on your Quilty magazine and show appearance. Love the gift card projects. So cute!

  4. I was just browsing Quilty's episodes and saw the meet a modern quilter episode with you on there. How cool - what fun :-)
