Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Moo! (mini)

I used the Sewing Summit as an excuse to finally order myself some Mini Moo Cards. I've been enthralled by them ever since I received one in a swap package (some time ago). They're only about $20 for a box of 100 but it took me a long time to break down and buy them since they are completely unnecessary

They sure are cute though!! The fronts have closeups of some of my work, and the backs have my name with links to my blog and flickr accounts. :) If you're at the summit be sure to ask me for one! :) 


  1. super exciting, how mini is mini? also, I know I was a no reply blogger int he past and I think I fixed it, did I? (I have no idea how to check...)

  2. These are very cool! I'm going to add them to my "wish" list!
