Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Be aware.

That neuroblastoma needs to be stopped.


To support my niece Rosemarie on her battle with Neuroblastoma (a rare form of childhood cancer), and to raise awareness of this terrible disease, I shaved my head this weekend. In total nine of us were shaved (including Rosemarie, who had hers shaved a week early since her hair started falling out again, for the third time). My sister, brother-in-law, brother, cousin's girlfriend, mom, dad, and husband all shaved our heads. I was going to go for "really short" but not shaved (Wally's preference not mine) but at the last minute he said to go for it and I did. I had 14" of hair to be donated for a children's cancer wig program!
Here we all are, along with Rosemarie, our stylists Jenna and Rachel, and Allie of course.

This all took place during our traditional "summer birthday party" (for Allie, and my two nieces - all summer birthdays). My sister's two hairstylist friends manned the clippers - and helped Rosemarie to make the first cuts! My hair was cut by about 6 people... they all got a chance! lol. We look pretty cool bald. Apparently my sister and I look a lot alike... more so without hair - even Rosemarie was startled by us when she thought she was sitting by me, when it was actually her mom!
14" of thick curly hair... to be re-grown!
This will be my... 4th time cutting to donate!
I'm excited for the chance to tell more people about this battle with neuroblastoma. Please donate even just a little bit for children's cancer research, specifically neuroblastoma (when possible). From most of the general cancer research fund raising groups, very little money ends up being sent to fund neuroblastoma research. St. Jude's Research Hospital is one that is great to donate to - they are currently researching neuroblastoma's cause and cure.

Apparently my sister and I look alike. Especially without hair.
Pray for Rosemarie and other little ones like her. She's such a strong little girl and we're all so much stronger because of her.
This picture will hold us to the agreement!
 On a side note, best friends are awesome! My friends Schell and Ko came up for the party and we decided to start a training program called Couch 2 5K - next week! Wish us luck! It was really awesome and inspiring to hang out with them again... even if Schell did keep trying to draw on my head! lol.


  1. My wind just got knocked out of me. I am in awe of yours and Rosemarie's bravery. You go.

  2. This is an incredible strong family!!!

  3. Way to go Emily! You guys are awesome. And without all that hair it will feel like you're flying to that 5k finish line.

  4. That's so wonderfully supportive! She's so lucky to have all your support & I'm sure your bravery is rubbing off on her! xoxo

  5. Emily, this is so amazingly awesome! I got teary-eyed just reading through your post and seeing the pictures. My nephew passed away at 8 months old a few years ago from Medulloblastoma, which is rare like your niece's cancer. You guys are seriously so inspiring. Way to go, Emily!

  6. What an awesome thing to do to show your love & support to her!

  7. I think it is sooo amazingly wonderful and supportive of all of you to shave off your hair! I think this would be difficult, but I'm sure I would do it for my nieces or nephew, too. I would love to see some photos as it starts growing back in, too :-)

    I downloaded the C25K program this past spring... and I did it once and then didn't do it again. I've been thinking I need to get started on it, so maybe I'll join your small group from afar!

  8. You. Are. Awesome.

    Prayers for your niece.

  9. Healing prayers!!!!! How wonderful it is that she has such a supportive group surrounding her with all that LOVE!!!!!!!

  10. Amazing!!!!! You are the best aunty ever :) And you actually look beautiful bald! So proud of you that you did this.

    I feel so lucky to have 3 healthy kids. Each month I make a donation to our children's hospital in gratitude, and a second to a local program that helps make wishes come true for sick children. I am hoping not to need these programs, but I want them to be strong for anyone who does!

    You are amazing.

  11. *sniff sniff. What a moving post!

  12. Wow aren't you all amazing!! Just stopped by to let you know you are a winner of one of my Three Dolls patterns - so drop me an email with your address :D

  13. Just beautiful! What a way for a family to show support and love!

  14. i got goosebumps. you are an awesome aunt. prayers for your sweet niece! :)

  15. Wow. I know that it's just hair and it will grow back, but I also know how much your niece will know that you and her whole family love her by your sacrifice!

  16. I'm going to be honest, I have no idea how I got to this post, but you have me in tears. I hope Rosemarie is doing well these days and Allie is absolutely beautiful. Absolutely inspirational post. So glad to have found it!

  17. dont know how i missed this
    you are a wonderful aunt (and family!!)
    me=wuss. but my sis has donated 4 times :o)
