Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Little Gifts...

pouch gifts
Pouches for gifts!! Only one of these will live with me.
As a quilter do you find yourself making little gifts for everyone around Christmas time? I always do. It's not something I mind though. I keep an open mind about gift giving - and 90% of my gift giving is handmade. I don't make myself feel like everyone has to receive equal amounts etc every time. Handmade doesn't really work that way. I make what I love to make, so if I know someone in my family who adores whatever it is that I want to make - they may get more. Another thing to weigh when it comes to these things, is that I consider the gift of a quilt to be a gift good for several holidays - you know what I mean, a quilt is a BIG gift of time and artistic energy - not the same as giving a simple zip pouch. :)

paper pieced flying geese ark
WIP - Bella Quilt - Hopefully done by Christmas? 
Some gifts are made specifically with the recipient in mind (color, style, etc), others are made with a use in mind (pouches and pillow cases). So there usually comes a point in the season when I make the list of who gets what. It was pretty exciting this year when I made my list only to find that I had very few Christmas presents left to make! The pouch hop challenge helped a lot!

Mug rugs! Gifts for my MIL's co-workers!
Here's a glimpse into the projects for my family this year: tons of pouches, pillow cases, super hero capes (yet to be made), and hopefully one finished quilt! 

Pillow cases for Christmas!
I'm feeling really excited about giving the pouches. At Thanksgiving time my mom, aunt, sister, and cousins were chatting about different types of zip pouches - it turns out that there has been a bit of jealousy going around -- my sister gets a lot of zip pouches because she buys me zippers in bulk (and constantly uses her 10 million pouches!) With that in mind, I know that the pouches I've made will be well received.

Linking up with WIP Weds over at Freshly Pieced.


  1. Good luck with your quilt. Looks good so far.

  2. Of course there can never be too many zippers or too many pouches :D A superhero cape --- that would be a really fun gift for the g-nephews (and the g-niece too, when she's a bit older) - it might make a perfect Christmas gift for next year :D

  3. Very nice gifts! I made 9 pouches yesterday...I believe I'm done for awhile!
