Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Brought to you by my husband. He's yummy, like these chocolates. 

Ok, so I actually haven't tried one of them yet... they're just so pretty I want to look at them for a while longer. They're crazy flavors - I need to read the little booklet to see which to try first!

**Edit to add flavors: Top row, Raspberry white chocolate, cherry cordial truffle, peanut butter, pistachio cherry, sweet tea. Second row, cookies 'n' cream (made with oreos), true love (dark chocolate w/ dark chocolate ganache), mango, milk chocolate truffle, and passion fruit. Wow. So far I've tried the white chocolate raspberry. It was yummy!


  1. Your hubby did a good job! Norman Love is one of the best chocoatiers in the country. I'd love to hear the flavors in your box.

  2. Wow, I have never seen chocolates that beautiful before! I really love cream-filled things. :-)

  3. If the taste is in any way correlated to the beauty, then these chocolates have to be absolutely delicious! I can't believe how pretty they are!

  4. those look delightful!!! Yuuummy!
